Conde Nast Revamps, Keeps All The Naked Women

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A week after Conde Nast relaunched, the company released a brand new

The results: More of the same, honestly. 

The new site does a little more to highlight the VF Daily and makes the enormous VANITY FAIR icon smaller. (Here’s what the site used to look like, courtesy of

The redesign focuses more on video and looks a little cleaner overall. (That said, there are some bugs that need to be fixed with the columns. At least we hope they are bugs.)

But that’s pretty much it. There aren’t any groundbreaking new features or anything that pops.

Conde Nast is clearly trying to make their digital efforts pay off, but redesigns such as this aren’t addressing the underlying problem. As a source mentioned a couple weeks back, “it looks like they are rearranging the deck chairs.”

One consistent feature on the new and old Naked women.

Highlighted as one of the three main stories is a “Best undressed” slide show, “a sleek survey of Vanity Fair‘s classic nude portraits – from Gisele to that Deneuve-ly Kate Winslet.” At least traffic should be strong today. (Although, the slide show actually didn’t load beyond the first slide when we tried to view it. Probably for the best; the opening image of Sean Lennon and a very naked Charlotte Kemp Muhl was rather NSFW.)