THE MORALS OF THE MARK HURD AFFAIR: How To Have Sex With A Subordinate Without Getting Canned

mark hurd

Image: Associated Press

See Also:

This Is The Letter That Got Mark Hurd Fired As CEO Of HP

mark hurd

Emails Sent By Mark Hurd's Accuser Jodie Fisher Have Leaked

Now the the sexual-harassment letter that led to Mark Hurd’s ouster as the CEO of HP has finally been released, we likely know all we’re ever going to know about the affair.

As I discussed earlier, the letter helps make clear why the HP board fired Mark Hurd, and why they really had no choice but to do so.

The letter, and the investigation that followed, suggest that Hurd used HP’s money and resources to effectively set up intimate dates for him with Fisher around the world, encounters during which Fisher maintains he kept trying to persuade her to have sex with him.

And when the truth about these encounters came out, via expense reports, computer forensics, and interviews, the HP board concluded that, in addition to using HP’s resources inappropriately, Hurd had initially lied to them about the affair.

So they canned him.

Of course, some people still view Jodie Fisher as a washed-up gold-digger who played along with (or even actively encouraged) Hurd’s intimacy, and then fabricated the sexual advances in hindsight to extort money from him.

But no one’s denying all those drinks and dinners and hotel-room visits and other intimate encounters. And it’s likely that no one but Hurd and Fisher will ever know the precise truth of what went on in those hotel rooms.

So it’s worth nailing down the morals of the story, if only as a cautionary tale for all those who, deliberately or accidentally, mix sexually charged intimacy (or just plain sex) with business.


  • Assume that any time you have an intimate dinner or drinks or hotel-room visits or other one-on-one encounters with a subordinate of the opposite sex–or, if one of you is homosexual, a subordinate of the same sex–that the encounter may later be cited as sexual harassment.
  • Ergo, don’t have intimate dinners or drinks or hotel-room visits or other one-on-one encounters with a subordinate of the opposite sex unless there is a crystal-clear business reason for doing so.
  • If you go ahead and have intimate dinners or drinks or hotel-room visits, et al, with a subordinate, look yourself in the mirror afterwards and be honest about what you’re really doing.
  • If what you’re really doing is trying to seduce the subordinate–or merely hoping that such encounters will lead to mutual-seduction–then have a come-to-Jesus meeting with yourself.
  • Ask yourself: Am I willing to get myself accused of sexual harassment and lose my job over this?
  • If the answer is “yes,” damn the torpedoes: Order up a big bottle of wine and drink the night away. (But, whatever you do, don’t expense it.)
  • If the answer is “no,” ask yourself whether you can stop having these intimate encounters.
  • If the answer is “yes, I can stop,” stop, and hope you haven’t already screwed yourself over.
  • If the answer is “no, I can’t stop” proceed to Plan B.
  • PLAN B: 
    • Tell the subordinate that you can no longer work closely with him/her because of feelings you have developed for him/her (Goofy and awkward? Yes. But the truth. And in a professional situation, people deserve the truth.)
    • Tell the subordinate that you will work with Human Resources to resolve the professional situation–and actually do this, with a written record, immediately.
    • Once the professional situation is resolved, ask the former subordinate out on a personal date (or whatever it is you would do to advance the relationship)
    • Never expense anything that you and the former subordinate did together–meals, drinks, hotels, etc.
    • Take extra care to make certain that your business expenses, travel records, and communications are accurate and aren’t used to hide your relationship
    • Hope that the former subordinate doesn’t eventually get pissed off at you and accuse you of sexual harassment retroactively…but also rest assured that, if that happens, you’ve done everything you can to protect yourself from this while still proceeding with the relationship.
    • Never lie about the relationship to your bosses or human resources.
    • Never use company resources to facilitate the relationship. (If you’re headed to Shanghai for a night and Shanghai’s just so romantic you can’t stand to be alone, fly your former subordinate over yourself. And make sure that you or he/she makes their own plane and hotel reservations, not your assistant.)
    • Assume that every detail of the relationship will eventually be investigated.

Got that?

That’s how to have an intimate relationship with a subordinate that begins in the workplace while also giving yourself the best odds of keeping your reputation and job (if not marriage).

If Mark Hurd had just come clean about his inappropriate-and-HP-funded relationship with Fisher, a source close to the HP board told me yesterday, he’d probably still be CEO of HP today. It was his initial downplaying of the relationship, and the apparent attempt to hide it, that cost him his job.

You have been warned!

SEE ALSO: Well, There’s No Longer Any Mystery Why HP Fired Mark Hurd

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